My Story

The purpose of this activity is to compose and compile an individual’s Life Story. This can be completed by a caregiver with the care receiver. My Story is a great opportunity to reminisce about significant life events and life review, help the author show others who they are, what they enjoy and what is important to them. (The Document/Scrapbook can be used as the person moves through various care settings.) 


Ideal Group Size:    1:1


Equipment Needed

  • Computer, ability to print off hard copy record of Life Story
  • Scrapbook, photo album, labels
  • Scrapbook supplies (stickers, markers, pens, etc.)



  1. Meet for a coffee or a snack to reminisce. Bring old photos, mementoes and documents.
  2. Review and chat about different stages of life from early childhood to present day. Review one time period at a time, take time to reminisce and talk about each era.
  3. Tease out what was most important to the person’s life story.
  4. Record information collected at each session (follow a proposed My Story draft outline or use your own ideas).
  5. Celebrate/Recognize the importance of the information collected after each session.
  6. Post sample mementoes/pictures in your residence (e.g. mementos on the fridge, old photos).
  7. At each session, the collected memories can be a page for the draft My Story.
  8. After six to eight sessions, bring collected information together in scrapbook/binder.
  9. Ask a scribe, family member or friend to help complete the project.
  10. Keep My Story handy when visitors come by and show it with pride to neighbours, caregivers and friends. Talk about your story and ask about theirs.


To Do List:

  • Label documents, pictures, mementoes, other documents for My Story and/or scrapbook
  • Record basic information on an individual (names, nicknames, family history).
  • Add life to this basic information highlighting significant events and traditions. Other ideas to include:
    • What is important to me? Record likes and dislikes, secrets and important persons.
    • Strengths, weaknesses, basic personality traits and favourite foods/drinks/treats.
    • Other details such as how to cheer them up on a bad day or how do they like to spend the day.
    • Insights on when to give (or not give) advice.
  • Put the Life Story draft in a scrapbook or binder with a collection of pictures and items of interest.


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