Morning (or anytime) Stretches

Stretching in the morning is a great way to start the day on a positive note. Stretching can increase range of motion abilities, increase mobility and decrease stiffness in muscles. Stretching in the morning can help elevate mood and benefit you physically and emotionally. Stretch for 15 to 20 minutes and listen to your body. Do not hold any position if you feel pain.


Ideal Group Size:    1:1 or small group


Equipment Needed

  • Chairs
  • CD Player/Music of your choice
  • Toy parachute or some small soft balls.



  1. Find an area or small room that fits two or more people.
  2. Form a circle using a few chairs.
  3. Sit down by yourself, or with loved ones for this exercise.
  4. Put on music and describe and demonstrate each movement. For example: wave arms, move shoulders, move neck, wiggle nose.
  5. Stretch from top of the body and work to the bottom - or reverse.
    1. Forehead
    2. Cheeks
    3. Shoulders
    4. Arms
    5. Hands/Fingers
    6. Chest
    7. Stomach
    8. Bottom
    9. Thighs
    10. Calves
    11. Feet/Toes
  6. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds. Explain each movement step-by-step.
    (1. Then rest. 2. Continue. 3. Then Rest. Continue) Repeat.
  7. Stop the music, cool down, and have a glass of water or another beverage.
  8. Enjoy your day!


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